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Front End Software Developer Course

ID : 33158   
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In the 18-week, Front End Software Development program, students take three courses to learn the skills and technologies necessary to enter the industry as a Front End Software Developer: Introduction to JavaScript, Front End Technologies, and Web App Design with React. Skills and technologies learned include JavaScript, Algorithms, OOP, Design Patterns, Unit Testing, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, React, JSX, REST, NPM, AWS, and more.

Front End Software Developers build the pieces of applications and websites that users see and interact with. This involves creating components that look good and provide functionality when a user interacts with them. It also involves interacting with Back End applications and displaying data in an aesthetically pleasing manner. If you enjoy creating something visually appealing or seeing a visual result come from what you create, if you are more artistic, the Front End program may be a great fit for you.


Notice: Registered students will receive an email from PromineoTech with the link and login information to access the program the day of the start date.


Class Details

19 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

Online Course

* Staff 

CEUs : 36



Please read:  Registered students will receive an email from PromineoTech with the link and login information to access the program the day of the start date.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
1/30/2025 - 6/5/2025 Weekly - Thu 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM -, Online Course  Map, Room: Online * Staff 

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