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Adult Basic Education (ABE) >> Integrated English Literacy/Civics Education
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The Adult Basic Education offers Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) classes. These classes help students:
  • Become more proficient in English and civics (for example, studying how the government works, and the role citizens play in it)
  • Prepare for employment
  • Explore careers in in-demand industries
  • Become effective parents, workers, and citizens
  • Practice their listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills
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    Class ID: 34534

    Tuition: $0.00

    Start date: 04/07/25

    Location: CSN North Las Vegas Campus Location : 
      CSN North Las Vegas Campus.

    Room :  S 147

    End date: 05/28/25

    Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (4/7/2025-5/28/2025)

    Call 702-651-4487 to register

    Class ID: 34535

    Tuition: $0.00

    Start date: 04/07/25

    Location: CSN North Las Vegas Campus Location : 
      CSN North Las Vegas Campus.

    Room :  N 208

    End date: 05/28/25

    Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (4/7/2025-5/28/2025)

    Call 702-651-4487 to register

    Class ID: 34536

    Tuition: $0.00

    Start date: 04/07/25

    Location: CSN North Las Vegas Campus Location : 
      CSN North Las Vegas Campus.

    Room :  C 2661

    End date: 05/28/25

    Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (4/7/2025-5/28/2025)

    Call 702-651-4487 to register

    Class ID: 34234

    Tuition: $0.00

    Start date: 04/07/25

    Location: CSN North Las Vegas Campus Location : 
      CSN North Las Vegas Campus.

    Room :  S 207

    End date: 05/28/25

    Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (4/7/2025-5/28/2025)

    Call 702-651-4487 to register

    Class ID: 34537

    Tuition: $0.00

    Start date: 04/14/25

    Location: Historic Westside School Location : 
      Historic Westside School.

    Room :  COX LAB

    End date: 06/04/25

    Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (4/14/2025-6/4/2025)

    Call 702-651-4487 to register

    Class ID: 33567

    Tuition: $0.00

    Start date: 04/15/25

    Location: Trinity Life Center Location : 
      Trinity Life Center.

    Room :  B 201

    End date: 06/05/25

    Weekly - Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (4/15/2025-6/5/2025)

    Call 702-651-4487 to register

    Class ID: 34235

    Tuition: $0.00

    Start date: 04/21/25

    Location: Rafael Rivera Center Location : 
      Rafael Rivera Center.

    Room :  MP

    End date: 06/11/25

    Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (4/21/2025-6/11/2025)

    Call 702-651-4487 to register